Name: Andrew Daniel-Garvey
Team: Brooklyn B04 Black
Number of Years at Copa: 1
HS: Kingsborough Early College Academy
HS Honors: Honor Roll
Coaches at Copa: Coach David Atkinson
College Attending: John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Conference: CUNYAC
Anticipated Major: Criminal Justice
Quote about a specific coach: Coach David is without a doubt one of the best coaches that I have had the opportunity to play under. Not only is he an amazing coach tactically, but he is one of the rare few coaches that you also have the opportunity to bond with. He will sit with you after a good game and not only celebrate the wins but also point out the gray areas. After a bad game he will still sit with you and cheer you up while giving you ways to improve for the next game. I feel blessed to have played under such an amazing and thoughtful coach.
What are your most memorable moments or experiences at FC Copa Academy?
One of my best moments at Copa was one of our most recent games, where it seemed as if everything was against us. As a team we came together and ended up winning 4-3. I will always remember the team's resilience in the final moments of a game.
How did FC Copa Academy help you become the player you are today?
During every practice session, or even at games, I was always put in positions that would help develop my weak areas. FC Copa helped me find my voice on the field and I also became more patient with myself and the game, which led to me making better decisions on and off the ball.
How did FC Copa Academy help you get into the college program you will be attending?
FC Copa gave me the opportunity to attend many college showcases, which put colleges on my radar within a short period of time. The support from my coach, staff members like Coach Lori and Coach Roberto also aided in the smooth transition that got me to where I am today.
Share your thoughts and experiences on the collegiate recruitment process with FC Copa Academy.
The collegiate recruitment process at Copa felt very simple and smooth because of all the help I received. Being consistent on and off the field was also key.
What advice would you give to future FC Copa Academy athletes going through the collegiate recruitment process? My advice for future athletes is to not take your time on the field for granted. Each and every minute you have should be used to prove yourself. To me, the most important thing in this sport is consistency.